
TI: RotGF Chapter 10

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The Incredibles: Rise of the Galeforces - Chapter 10: Wrath of King Krok

Municiberg, 12:30 PM, Saturday, March 15, 1980

[Stratogale:] Overall, my brother and I had a pretty good school week, save for a few difficulties in adjusting to our new life. Considering that we'd faced down evil robots, raptors, and a lot more, high school wasn't THAT hard by comparison.
Of course, Spring Break was just around the corner, meaning that we all would have plenty of time to unwind, as well as catch up on the usual stuff. What I didn't know, of course, was that my term paper would eventually be the LEAST of my problems in a few day's time.
Still, it wasn't like I had any idea of what was coming. At the moment, I figured I'd spend a little while relaxing... while trying to escape tickle torture from Helen. "NONONONONONONONONO!!!!!"
[Helen:] It was the only reasonable way to pass the time while Adam and Vi mulled things over.
I'd managed to catch her off guard and tie her up in my arms, tickling both her feet and her stomach.
"Geez, can't you even like this for one freaking SECOND?" I giggled.
[Sarah:] I didn't answer. I was laughing my head off with a huge grin on my face.
"MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEANIHIHIIHHIHIIHE!" I yelped, trying to get away from her.
[Helen:] I wasn't sure what to think, but apparently Sarah was having as much fun as I was...
I had a feeling it was going to become a new pasttime for the two of us.
As Sarah laughed herself silly, I shifted my grip and blew a long, evil raspberry in her stomach.
[Sarah:] I screamed like a banshee as I was raspberried silly. "NUUUUUUUUUUUHUHUHUHUHUUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!! UHUHUHUHUUHUHUHUHUNCLE!!!!!1"
[Adam:] "Having fun yet?" I asked my sister with a smirk as I headed downstairs.
[Andy:] I obliged, moving forward and tying Helen's legs into a knot before tickling her feet.
[Helen:] "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEY!" I laughed as Adam turned the tables against me. That was when I dropped my guard...
[Sarah:] somehow, I managed to crawl away from the helen tickle monster's grip of doom, before going after her ribs.
"Awww, who's a tickly lil' Elastigirl?" I teased. "does lil helen feeeel the tickles?"
[Adam:] Together, Sarah and I managed to ward off Elastigirl's tickly tentacles of death. But that was not what I was here for. Still, it was fun while it lasted.
[Sarah:] I gasped in mock horror as I untied her legs. "OOOOh, she said a baaaaad woooord. we'll punish you for that later.
[Adam:] "Good idea," I said as I continued tickling Helen.
"Awwww, well whaddya know? Elastigirl really is ticklish!"
[Adam:] "I'll keep that in mind," I said, winking at my sister.
[Sarah:] After 10 minutes of this, we let Helen go and I cuddled up to her. She was like an aunt to me, Like Thunderhead was an uncle. "No crime been going on for a while," I said at last. "It's like Aperture isn't even trying anymore."
It was true that Aperture was on the quiet side ever since we'd crippled the company's super cloning scheme in Metro City. But I knew they'd be back, and with a vengeance no less.
[Adam:] "I wouldn't be so sure," I said. "That's why I wanted to talk to you two."
[Helen:] "Why? Has Velociripper been doing anything again?"
Adam was the one who'd dubbed the name of the new raptor villain. The press wasn't sure what to name him, but the kid had sent a letter over explaining who he was, and the term stuck.
[Vi:] "Two more staff members at the Natural History Museum were found dead last night," I said as I came downstairs, holding the day's paper. The authorities believed it to be some kind of animal mauling, but I think it's VR's work."
[Sarah:] I swallowed hard, before getting up and reaching for the remote. Suddenly, operating the thing was easy as pie. In the 50's we had to go to the TV itself but, but not anymore. I turned it on and switched to the news channel. That's how we first heard about... the monster.
[Adam:] I gasped in horror as I watched the report.
"Reports are coming in of a new supervillain in Tropicopolis, Florida," said the reporter.
"It is devestating the coastal areas, and evacuations are already in order for the entire southern continent. This new villain, a hybrid of late Supers Dynaguy and Stormicide, appears to be under Aperture's control..."
"...just like Velociripper," I said.
[Sarah:] we have to tell the others." I said as I raced outside. boy, bob had picked a rotten time to go fiwshing that day. "Come on Andy!" I called as I rounded the bend. "we have to tell mom dad and uncle edward!"
[Adam:] I followed suit, in my human form. But little did we know that the land and the sky weren't the only realms Aperture had been working in...

Municiberg, 1:30 PM, Saturday, March 15, 1980
[Splashdown:] Fishing, my ASS! Apparently, the reason we hadn't heard from Aperture on land or in the sky... was because they hadn't been operating from the land or the sky.
We were at the river where Bob had busted up the Omnidroid. I was flying overhead, scanning for something we couldn't see.
"Any sign of it yet?" I asked.
[Bob:] I was looking around too. We'd come here after Splashdown had done some reading, and pointed out that after beating Aperture on both land and in the air, there was only one logical step for them to take. Underwater. I just dismissed it at first, until I remembered the Omnidroid. If Aperture got their hands on its remains, there would be hell.
"No, nothing!" I called up to Dave. "Maybe you should take a dive!"
[Splashdown:] I wondered what Aperture was up to. It had to be aquatic, that's for sure - something had been attacking the boats in the harbor over the past few days.
I was just about to reply that it was a foolish idea to go under the water, when I saw it... the broad back of something long and sinuous slithering beneath the surface towards us.
I barely had time to warn Mr. Incredible and Dash when it exploded out of the water, smashing a mercifully empty motorboat to splinters as it hit the dock.
Imagine a cross between a crocodile, a python, and an eel. It has a long, cone-shaped snout with cone-shaped teeth, four strong flippers, and a huge, powerful tail. Now imagine if that thing were 50 feet long!
That's basically the organic portion of what was surfacing in front of us. Then there was the mechanical bits - its back was covered in armor not unlike the legs of the Omnidroid, and it had laser guns attached to its shoulders that trained on us, as it opened its gigantic mouth and let loose a bellowing roar that shook the earth!
[Dash:] I stood in awe of the monster that would soon be known to us as King Krok.
The monster's lasers astarted firing at me first, but thankfully, I dashed out of the way of all the blasts with little effort. I was looking to see if dad was tring anything.
[Mr. Incredible:] I was. Right now I was throwing rocks and such at the Monster's cannons. "Splashdown! A little help over here may be useful!"
[Splashdown:] As soon as I saw the Aperture device in its armor, I knew it would be useless trying to talk to it. So I dived into the water and slammed a powerful tsunami upon the beast, beaching it on the shore.
It roared and swiped its tail, sending me flying back a full 100 feet and skipping across the river.
"God," I spluttered. "Has InGen been busy again?!"
[Dash:] I zoomed up to the beast and slammed it with a thunder punch before allowing Dad to push it out of the way. "And what exactly to they hope to gain from supporting Aperture?" I asked.
[mr. i] "The same reasons most big corporations do anything, son," I replied as I rolled King Krok into the river. "Cash."
[Splashdown:] The monster growled as it sank back into the water and started circling around to attack again. I was surprised it recovered that fast.
"Jurassic Park failed spectacularly because of technological error," I said. "Apparently, InGen sided with Aperture because it needed the funding and resources to cover up their error, and build a better security system.
"Aperture must have expanded upon that agreement. The result? King Krok. Although technically this thing is more related to lizards than crocodiles, that name still sounds good."
The monster burst up from the water and fired the guns at us again. But I created a water shield to bide the others enough time to do something about this thing.
[Dash:] After a while I got tired of standing still, and started blasting at the thing's turrets with gusto. But EVERYTIME the bolts got even marginely close to the damn thing, it moved away. "How are we supost to hit this thing?!" I yelled at Splashdown.
[Splashdown:] "I don't know... Maybe we should get it to stand still?"
Then I heard a screech above us, then a blast of air slammed into the monster, parting the waters around it for an instant. Adam, in his pterosaur form, came swooping down with Vi in his claws, with Sarah flying beside him holding Kate.
[Adam:] I managed to drop Vi next to her dad, then trailed my wingtip across the water to draw the monster's attention.
[Vi:] "Guys! Are you okay?!" I cried as I threw up a force field to shield everyone.
[Kate:] "Do I have to answer?!" The beast surged forth, but I launched a gravity bolt at it and immobilized it long enough for the others to strike.
[Dash:] I was running out of charge. And it was embaressing. I was slowly begining to lose breath so that I couldn't run anymore. Ergo, no static, and thus no bolts.
[Stratogale:] Seeing that dash was outa breath, I desided to lend a hand. a flok of seagulls were flying over the fight, and I called for them to peck Krok's eyes out.
[Adam:] 'Must've been Ripper's idea,' I said, using my personal nickname for the raptor dude as I swooped down to help.
Unfortunately the thing's eyes had been protected by a visor, but I managed to crack it with my beak before being warded off.
[Sarah:] 'Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!' the gulls cried as they dropped pecks and poop down the hole, forcing King Krok to momentarily retreat.
[Adam:] Seeing this, I grabbed Dash and flew him towards the nearby power lines. I had to kill two dinos with one stone, by using the cables to entangle the monster long enough to knock it out.
[Dash:] the first thing I saw was Sarah, then the power cables. Suddenly, it was all clear. "DROP ME NOW!"
[Adam:] With a tremendous roar, King Krok exploded out of the water toward us. I swung my legs forward and threw Dash into the power lines, but the beast grabbed the tip of my tail in its mouth before I could follow.
[Dash:] I dropped off the lines and aimed at the monster. I was now fully charged and fired two Thunder Fists of Death at it's rib cage.
[Adam:] I screeched in pain as the beast yanked me towards the water and certain doom. But the electricity hit its unprotected belly and it faltered, its systems short-circuiting.
Seizing the opportunity I flapped my wings with tremendous force, causing an air blast that sent it careening into the power lines.
The monster roared in pain and released me as it got tangled up in the cables, and then fell back into the water, taking out the power lines with it. Meanwhile I grabbed Dash in midair and flew him back to the shore before phasing to my human form again.
[David:] "Son! Are you okay?" I cried, rushing over to hug him.
[Adam:] "Is there anyone who defines a sore ass as okay?" I quipped as I returned the hug. "Ah well, at least that thing won't bother us for a while."
[Kate:] "What WAS that?" I asked in shock, surprised that the gravity bolt didn't work like it should.
[Adam:] "Tylosaurus proringer," I said. "I had a nasty encounter with one of those things in the Cretaceous, and I've also seen fossils of them sitting around. Nasty things, they are, and with Omnidroid/Aperture technology, well, they'll be nigh unstoppable if you don't know their weaknesses."
[Sarah:] That was when my cell phone rang. Taking it out, I saw the phone number, and put it on speakerphone. "Hello?"
[Wendell:] "Hey, Sarah," I gasped through the other end of the phone from our hotel room. "How's things where you're at?"
[Sarah:] "Same ol', same ol'," I said. "Any news about Aperture yet?"
[phylange:] Without thinking, I grabbed the phone and spoke into it. It was a relief we could contact the rest of the bunch - now Wendell and I had a few folks to help us fight Dynacide.
"Guys," I said, my voice a bit shaky, "you will NOT believe what me and Macroburst found today."
[Adam:] We all turned to look at the phone in utter shock. What had happened with those two?
[Vi:] "W-wha? Phylange? Macroburst? What happened to you two?!" I cried in horror.
[Wendell:] I was shaking harder than ever, and one of my arms was bleeding from a deep gash. I managed to take the phone back and set it on speakerphone before collapsing in exhaustion.
"One word... Dynacide," I gasped.
[Adam:] I remembered the news report. Dynaguy plus Stormicide equals Dynacide. "So I guess it's true after all," I said.
[Stratogale:] I collapsed onto my knees. "No....n-not Howard and tanya..." I almost wept.
[Bob:] I gave her a reassuring hug - I knew this must be hard for her. "It's too late, Sarah," I said softly. "But don't worry, we'll release them both."
[Wendell:] "I know how you feel, Sarah," I said, my voice sounding so ashamed it nearly trumped that of my girlfriend.
[Adam:] "Is there something else we need to know?" I asked. "You sound even more hurt than my sister."
[Wendell:] "That's the point," I said. The sentence that followed made everyone gasp in the biggest bout of shock yet.
"Stormicide was my mother."
The Incredibles: Rise of the Galeforces - Chapter 10: Wrath of King Krok

The Incredibles: Rise of the Galeforces is based on a series of RPs I have been doing with ~georgemiser. These RPs were based on the often-practiced notion of dead superheroes, such as the ones that died before the events of the movie, being resurrected in some way or another. This has escalated into a full-blown new storyline with a new protagonist, Sarah Squall aka Stratogale, and her family aiding the Parr family in the defeat of Aperture Science, who intends to use a majority of the late Supers as the spearheads of their own personal army.

This was fun to do. I felt like exploring the mechanics of the various characters' powers a bit more. King Krok is definitely going to come back, because I'm intending to use him as the creature for this story's "Exit, Pursued by a Bear" trope. :XD:

The Incredibles (c) Pixar, Brad Bird
Everything else (c) their respective owners

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